A vast majority of the internet today is run on various content management systems (abbreviated as CMS). WordPress is by far the most popular, with over 59% of market share in the open source CMS market, followed distantly by Joomla (7%) and Drupal (5%).

Websites are using open source content management systems because of many reasons. Ease of use, cost effectiveness, maintenance, and widespread adoption mean that you can easily use a CMS within your organization . While ensuring continued compatibility and usage.

The implementation and development of a WordPress site can take a little bit of work up front. It means that over the life of your site the maintenance and content management can be streamlined massively.

CMS For Website

Reasons WordPress can be a positive choice for your organization

First, employees that are not technically inclined will still be able to contribute to your content, and further development is easily done.

Second, reliability is another strong draw. With a platform as widely used as WordPress, you can ensure that there is a wide community of support. This will  let you rapidly track down problems while get regular security updates. This will prevent any malicious attacks that other sites might be more vulnerable to.

Third, active users within your organization are also an important thing to consider. Implementing a WordPress site means that most of the people working with you will have experience navigating and utilizing the back end. This is a huge time saver for companies. Training the users on new technologies quickly gets costly and complicated.

What problems should I look for in a CMS?

Yet, much like any technology, a WordPress implementation will need a knowledgeable eye kept on it. It will keep the performance at peak level.

Every CMS implementation is different, and your organization’s specific needs might vary. Your mileage is not the same as another company. That’s why it’s important to look for a custom solution that not only offers ongoing maintenance but a familiarity with custom development in the first place. And can work with extending your solution in the future.

It’s also important to establish a direct line of communication with your technological team. This will make sure that developers, marketers, sales, and the rest of your organization are in line with the site and how to use it. Providing feedback to each department, and communicating this to the developer, means that you’ll be able to run your site quickly and efficiently. And that means more sales, ultimately!

Regur.net offers customer development and implementation of content management services – check out our custom web development page to learn more about what we can do with a custom CMS for your organization.